Monthly Russell County FCS Newsletter - September 2024

Monthly Russell County FCS Newsletter - September 2024

Monthly Russell County FCS Newsletter - September 2024

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Monthly Russell County FCS Newsletter


Homesteading: The Extension Way to Self-Sufficiency
This August, Megan Gullett, FCS Agent, Jonathan Oakes, ANR Agent, and Sarah Beard, ANR Assistant, offered a homesteading series to punctuate easy ways to help you and your home become more self-sufficient.  The series provided classes on making breakfast sausage, sourdough, rain barrels, and herb gardens, as well as how to preserve meat through pressure canning. If you are interested in information from these programs, please call 270-866-4477 or visit our website at


The University of Kentucky Talking FACS Series
The University of Kentucky has a podcast series that provides important information on all things family, food, finance, and fitness. You can listen to Talking FACs on any streaming service, or online here:


Natural Disasters and Vulnerable Populations
Source: Amy Kostelic, associate Extension professor adult development and aging

     September is natural disaster preparedness month. Did you know that older adults and people with disabilities have the highest rate of disaster-related deaths and are at higher risk during all
phases of disasters? This is because frail older adults and people living with various disabilities can face unique challenges. They might need to deal with various medical conditions, medication management, using special mobility or medical equipment, cognitive impairment, and developmental delays. Their needs do not go away in a state of emergency, and they may need some extra consideration, including early evacuation.
     Do not wait until the last minute to plan or prepare for a disaster. Instead, consider an individual’s specific need and make a plan and a backup plan that includes communication and a point person(s). Learn what resources in your community cater to at-risk populations. For example, check to see what agencies will offer shelters that support medical care. Make copies of important documents, including prescriptions, health and property insurance, information on mobility and medical equipment. Create a list for emergency contacts.
     Stock a kit with basic supplies in addition to emergency medical supplies: extra medication, backup mobility equipment and power sources, whistle, radio, flashlight, food and water, blanket, shoes, and extra glasses and batteries for hearing aids. Be sure the person can access or carry the kit (you might consider a backpack versus a tote).
     When recovering from a disaster, look for signs of injury, infection, and dehydration. Be able to recognize the signs of stress such as changes in emotions and behavior, increased confusion
and/or fear. Be conscious of how the disaster may displace someone and leave them vulnerable, socially isolated, and lonely. Familiarize yourself with recovery assistance to help with post disaster needs.
     For more information, visit the National Institute on Aging resource page,, or call your local county Extension agent for more information specific to your community.

References: NIH. (2022). Disaster Preparedness and Recovery for Older Adults.  U of KY FCS Extension. In the Face of Disaster Toolkit. (2023).


Upcoming Workshops

  • September 10th: Preserve It: Dehydration Basics @ 12 PM
  • September 16th: Cooking the Calendar: Ramen Skillet Dinner @ 5 PM
  • August 23rd: Self-Care & Pampering @ 4 PM
  • September 30th: Beginner Crochet @ 10 AM
  • September 30th: Beginner Crochet @ 5 PM

For all workshops, please call 270-866-4477 to RSVP.  RSVPing allows the agent to better plan for your attendance.

You can also find these events on our Facebook page.



Office:  270-866-4477    E-mail:    Website:


Life with Alpha Gal Red Meat Allergy     Click to learn more.


Money Wise                        Adult Health Bulletin