4-H September 2024

4-H September 2024

4-H September 2024

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Russell County 4-H News
September 2024


Join 4-H

If you are interested in any of the following 4-H Clubs or activities, please call the Russell Co. Extension Office to get your name on the interest list. The phone number is 270-866-4477.  Some clubs will begin in the fall while others will start in the winter or spring.  Most 4-H meetings occur on Tuesday evenings after 4:00pm and last approximately 1 hour.   

  • Cooking Club — call to register by 9/13/24 (fills up quickly!) 
  • Tabletop Farm Club — call to register by 9/10/24.  First meeting is September 11 at 4:30pm!
  • Down on the Farm Club — call to register by 9/13/24 
  • Country Ham project — call by 10/31/24 * 

If you are leaving a message, please tell youth’s name, address, school/grade, and parent contact phone number. 
Craft/Art Classes - signups will be taken when flyers for classes come out for each session.  There will not be a dedicated “club” this year. 
Shooting Sports does not take enrollment for new members until March.  Watch newsletters for this date. 
*The Country Ham project allows youth to cure 2 country hams. To receive the hams, 4-H members are REQUIRED to present a speech about the project at the Kentucky State Fair in August 2025. There is a fee for this project.


Communications & Expressive Art

Kentucky 4-H Communications Day - July 2024 in Nicholasville, KY

Marian Helm — blue ribbon in Jr. Foods 



4-H Tabletop Farmers

Learn more about farming and agriculture through toy set-ups.  4-H members of this club must have their own toy tractors and other farm toys. 


The Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is an Equal Opportunity Organization with respect to education and employment and authorization to provide research, education information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, physical or mental disability or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Reasonable accommodation of disability may be available with prior notice. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and other related matter should be directed to Equal Opportunity Office, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Kentucky, Room S-105, Agriculture Science Building, North Lexington, Kentucky 40546, the UK Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity, 13 Main Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0032 or US Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410.  


Kentucky State Fair

Cloverville:  The new 4-H year is off to a great start! Russell County had 19 youth that entered exhibits at the 4-H Cloverville section of the Kentucky State Fair.  Look for the Kentucky State Fair results in the October newsletter.

4-H Lawnmower Contest:  Vance Foley competed in the 4-H Lawnmower Driving Contest at the Kentucky State Fair on Monday, August 19.   He received a red ribbon! 

Russell County 4-H Country Ham Project:  4-H Country Ham Contest was held on Thursday, August 15 in Louisville at the State Fair.  Nine 4-Hers gave their ham speech as part of the ham contest.  Sixty percent of the score is based on the speech and 40% based on the country ham.
Jace Anderson — blue ribbon 
Dalton Foley — blue ribbon 
Vance Foley — blue ribbon 
Sidney Galicia — red ribbon 
Bailey Gosser — blue ribbon 
Stella Hammond — blue ribbon 
Cali Robertson — blue ribbon 
Chase Robertson — blue ribbon 
Andrea Russell — red ribbon 


4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizen ship and life skills.


4-H Basics

The 4-H Symbol - A green 4 leaf clover with a white "H" on each of its leaves

The 4 H's - Head, Heart, Hands, Health

Motto - "To learn by doing"

Pledge - I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world.

Colors - Green & White     Green represents springtime.  White represents innocence.


Upcoming Events

September — Holiday Card Design Contest 
October —  TBD 
November — Poetry Contest 
November/December — sign up for country ham curing 
January—Written Communications & Expressive Art Contests 
March— Speech & Demonstrations Contest 
March/April — 4-H Camp signups 


KY 4-H Horse Show

Mattie Parrish & Doc

Sr. Showmanship - 8th place/blue ribbon

Classic All Day Pleasure Walking - 5th place/blue ribbon

Country Pleasure Walking - 5th place/blue ribbon

Trail Pleasure Walking - 7th place/blue ribbon


Callie Reynolds will also serve on the Kentucky 4-H Equine Task Force. Congratulations, Callie! 


Distributed by 
Christy A. Martin 
Russell Co. Extension Agent for 4-H YD

Website:  https://russell.ca.uky.edu   Click on Program Areas > 4-H Youth Development

Facebook:  Russell County 4-H (KY)


Ralph Pettyjohn Memorial Shoot - Russell County Results

Individual Awards

  • Adrian Williams – 1st place 9-11 .22 target rifle
  • Greyson Riddle – 1st place 9-11 bowhunter archery and target archery compound
  • Carter Brown – 1st place 9-11 black powder flintlock
  • Axale Mann – 2nd place 9-11 air pistol
  • Abbie Wethington – 2nd place 9-11 recurve archery and target archery recurve
  • Evan Stephens – 2nd place 9-11 .22 target rifle
  • Emerson Stephens – 3rd place 9-11 black powder rifle
  • Wyatt Bunch – 3rd place 9-11 .22 target rifle
  • Cain Frank – 3rd place 9-11 BB
  • Alana McDonald – 1st place 12-14 recurve archery and target archery recurve
  • Andrea Russell – 1st place 12-14 black powder flintlock and 3rd place black powder pistol 
  • Ryan Stanton – 2nd place age 12-14 .22 pistol
  • Brayden Popplewell – 1st place 12-14 .22 target rifle and 1st place BB; 2nd place .22 sport rifle
  • Will Hatter – 2nd place 12-14 black powder flintlock and 3rd place black powder rifle
  • Dalton Foley – 3rd place 12-14 black powder flintlock
  • Sarah Stephens – 1st place 15-18 black powder flintlock, 1st place black powder rifle, & 1st place black powder pistol
  • Abigail Emerson – 1st place 15-18 compound bare bow
  • Zach Walters – 1st place 15-18 bowhunter archery, 1st place target archery compound and 2nd place black powder rifle
  • Sarah Grider – 1st place 15-18 target archery recurve; 2nd place recurve archery
  • Eli Foley – 2nd place 15-18 black powder flintlock; 3rd place black powder rifle; 3rd place black powder pistol

Team Awards
1st place 9-11 .22 sport rifle – Adrian Williams, Aiden Mondie, Jadan Durham, Carter Brown
1st place 9-11 BB – Wyatt Bunch, Jadan Durham, Sebastian Mann, Cain Frank
1st place 9-11 black powder flintlock – Vance Foley, Kegin Stephens, Carter Brown
1st place 9-11 black powder rifle – Vance Foley, Jadan Durham, Carter Brown, Emerson Stephens
1st place 12-14 black powder flintlock – Andrea Russell, Dalton Foley, William Hatter
2nd place 12-14 .22 pistol – Daniel Hernandez, Ryan Stanton, Will Hatter, Christian Diaz


Adair County 4-H Shooting Sports Competition - *Russell County Results*

Individual Trophies 

  • Sebastian Mann -1st place 9-11 BB 
  • Adrian Williams -1st place 9-11 .22 target rifle 
  • Greyson Riddle -1st place 9-11 bow hunter archery; 1st place 9-11 target archery
  • Carter Brown -1st place 9-11 black powder flintlock rifle 
  • Kegin Stephens -2nd place 9-11 black powder flintlock rifle 
  • Cain Frank-2nd place 9-11 BB 
  • Aiden Mondie - 2nd place 9-11 .22 target rifle 
  • Abbie Wethington - 2nd place 9-11 target recurve archery; 3rd place 9-11 recurve archery
  • Tucker McGowan -3rd place 9-11 .22 target rifle; 3rd place 9-11 black powder percussion rifle
  • Vance Foley -3rd place 9-11 black powder flintlock rifle 
  • Alana McDonald -1st place 12-14 recurve archery; 1st place 12-14 target recurve archery
  • Andrea Russell -1st place 12-14 black powder flintlock rifle 
  • Will Hatter -2nd place 12-14 black powder flintlock rifle 
  • Aiden McDonald -3rd place 12-14 bow hunter archery 
  • Dalton Foley -- 2nd place 12-14 black powder pistol; 3rd place 12-14 black powder flintlock rifle 
  • Titus Popplewell -3rd place 12-14 BB 
  • Bryson Roy - 3rd place 12-14 target archery
  • Alyssa Wethington - 3rd place 12-14 target recurve archery
  • Abigail Emerson - 1st place 15-18 bare bow archery 
  • Sarah Grider -1st place 15-18 target recurve archery; 2rd place 15-18 recurve archery
  • Zach Walters -1st place 15-18 black powder percussion rifle; 2nd place 15-18 target archery; 3rd place 15-18 bow hunter archery
  • Eli Foley -2nd place 15-18 black powder percussion rifle; 2nd place 15-18 black powder flintlock rifle; 3rd place 15-18 black powder pistol
  • Avery Hart -3rd place 15-18 .22 sport rifle

Team Trophies 

1st place team 9-11 BB -Sebastian Mann, Cain Frank, Wyatt Bunch, Aiden Mondie 
1st place team 9-11 .22 sport air rifle - Carter Brown, Aiden Mondie, Adrian Williams, Kegin Stephens 1st place team 9-11 .22 target rifle -Adrian Williams, Aiden Mondie, Tucker McGowan, Wyatt Bunch 1st place team 9-11 black powder flintlock rifle -Carter Brown, Kegin Stephens, Vance Foley 
1st place team 12-14 black powder flintlock team -Andrea Russell, Will Hatter, Dalton Foley 
2nd place team 12-14 .22 pistol -Aiden McDonald, Ryan Stanton, Will Hatter, Titus Popplewell 


Camp Corner

4-H Camp was held June 18-21, 2024.  We had a lot of FUN!!!!!  Will you be making plans to go to 4-H camp in 2025?  Start saving your money now!


4-H Shooting Sports

4-H Shooting Sports will take new members in the spring.
Good luck to the 4-H Shooting Sports team that will compete in the State 4-H Shooting Sports competition on Saturday, September 7, 2024! 


4-H Grows Here - Russell County


4-H Sewing

July-August 2024 Day Camps (photos in downloadable newsletter)

For more information about 4-H beginner sewing, please call the  Russell Co. Extension Office. 
Classes taught by Cooperative Extension Service Master Clothing Volunteers — Debra Flanagan & Melonie Eubank. 


4-H Fun at the Fair

2024 RC Fair Floral Hall 4-H Grand Champions

  • 4-H Arts -- Bailey Gosser
  • 4-H Photography -- Gunnar Coe
  • 4-H Entomology -- Gunnar Coe
  • 4-H Home Environment -- Carleen Meyers
  • 4-H County Heritage -- Chase Robertson

(Photos in downloadable newsletter)